Office Furniture

Office Pods: Teamwork vs. Privacy

2021-03-10T03:46:12+00:00Categories: Design+, Furniture, Office Design, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts, Office Furniture, Planning, Tips & Info|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Can Office Pods be the answer? Offices have increasingly been designed as open-plan to meet the millennial demand, however, this has made finding a quiet spot to make a phone call, or meet a deadline increasingly harder to find, as noise becomes an issue. Privacy becomes harder to find in open-plan offices, which are designed [...]

The Beauty and Benefits of Using Wood Furniture

2021-03-10T03:58:17+00:00Categories: Furniture, Office Furniture|Tags: , , , , , , |

When we look at the amazing amount of materials we can choose to build our furniture and appliances from nowadays, we hardly see any as beautiful, sustainable and environmentally friendly as wood and wood sydney office furniture. Plastics and metals have a massive carbon footprint in both construction and demolishment. Their base materials are [...]

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