Office Design

Office design in the age of Covid

2021-03-16T03:57:22+00:00Categories: Office Design, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts|Tags: , , , , , , |

  Covid-19 has meant seismic changes for modern office furniture in Sydney. Zoom, flexible hours, time-shifting and work from home have had a huge effect on the way most companies function. But as vaccines roll out around the world and the “new normal” looms on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking about how office [...]

Office Pods: Teamwork vs. Privacy

2021-03-10T03:46:12+00:00Categories: Design+, Furniture, Office Design, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts, Office Furniture, Planning, Tips & Info|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Can Office Pods be the answer? Offices have increasingly been designed as open-plan to meet the millennial demand, however, this has made finding a quiet spot to make a phone call, or meet a deadline increasingly harder to find, as noise becomes an issue. Privacy becomes harder to find in open-plan offices, which are designed [...]

Year 2020 & Generational Offices

2021-03-16T03:51:50+00:00Categories: Design+, Office Design, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts, Planning|Tags: , , , |

How does a generational office operate? If we imagine a traditional Office Design, we’d think of a maze of cubicles with high walls and a high degree of respect for privacy. At the edges, private offices with more spacious privacy would be given to higher administration, and down the hall, there might be a [...]

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