
Year 2020 & Generational Offices

2021-03-16T03:51:50+00:00Categories: Design+, Office Design, Office Fit-outs, Office fitouts, Planning|Tags: , , , |

How does a generational office operate? If we imagine a traditional Office Design, we’d think of a maze of cubicles with high walls and a high degree of respect for privacy. At the edges, private offices with more spacious privacy would be given to higher administration, and down the hall, there might be a [...]


2023-10-30T06:51:46+00:00Categories: Design+, Maintenance|Tags: , , , , , |

In terms of cleaning frequency, most manufacturers recommend professional office furniture cleaning every 12 to 24 months. However this will vary according to factors such as the amount and type of furniture, whether food or other substances are used in the area, the color of the upholstery (lighter-colored fabrics are more susceptible to showing [...]

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